30 July 2009
31 July 2009
30 July 2009
31 July 2009
nFront Client and Citrix
nFront Password Filter Client will not install and says "Another non-Microsoft GINA exists on this system. Installation cannot continue." This occurs when you run the nFront Password Filter Client.MSI on a Citrix server.
Citrix uses it own own gina stub DLL and the system must be configured to "chain" to the altusgina.dll used by the nFront Password Filter Client.
The nFront Password Filter Client client simply uses one file:altusgina.dll. Since the file is encapsulated within the MSI package we maintain a zipped copy of all nFront Password Filter files used in the latest MSI packages.
- Download the individual files here in a zip format
- Copy altusgina.dll c:\windows\system32 on the Citrix server.
- Change HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersoin\Winlogon\CtxGinaDLL to ALTUSGINA
After a reboot of the server you should see the password rules listed on the password change dialog when connected via Citrix.
Affected Products
nFront Password Filter Citrix